Outsiders #1

Outsiders #1

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Publisher: DC Comics

Release Date: Nov 14, 2023

Price: $4.99

Description: EXPLORE THE FORGOTTEN CORNERS OF DC'S MULTIVERSE WITH BATWOMAN AND LUKE FOX! A universe of secrets is about to come to light. Batman protects Gotham City from evil. Batman Inc. protects the rest of the known world. But what of the unknown world? What of the ancient evils in hidden tombs and forgotten tragedies from a magic-and-mad-science fueled super-heroic century? Using his fortune, Luke Fox launches a new organization dedicated to shining light into the world s darkest corners. His first recruit: Kate Kane, the Batwoman who will re-embrace her military background to protect Luke s dream and encounter every bit of strangeness the DCU has to offer. And just wait until you meet the Third Man or learn what universe-shattering secret they ve discovered buried under Antarctica. Outsiders is the return of comic book archaeology, digging into all the forgotten corners of DC s history to preserve, record, and better understand the true nature of the DC Multiverse and the forgotten stories that make up its fabric.

Cover Creators:

Roger Cruz Roger Cruz
Cover Artist
Adriano Lucas Adriano Lucas
Cover Colorist

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